It's time I let you in on a dream of mine. It's not fully formed, but neither can it still be understood merely as ingredients in the figurative kitchen cupboard. I think of it as a loaf of bread, not yet baked but certainly mixed and rising. In looking back at my notes, it's a dream I've been workshopping and mulling over for more than two years, a dream born out personal experience and travel,...
Hey there good folks,
I've got a quick little story for you and a couple of pointers as you begin your summer garden.1.) Story: A Hidden GardenLast week, Sundiata Ameh-El, co-coordinator of iGrowand I were installing raised beds around town together. Because we were in the area and because my father had told me about it, we swung by for a look at an unlikely farm. It's hidden behind a Tallahassee...
How does a team of dedicated youth and adults create a major food-producing, educational, and inviting urban agriculture demonstration project on a 1/3rd acre vacant lot? How much food can we raise? How many people -- especially young people-- can we engage in urban agriculture? Can we make money raising and selling healthy, green, fair, and affordable food?These are the questions we've been...
Amidst the growth and details of plants, gardens, recipes, farmers' markets, kids' gardens, workshops and the like, I am sustained by encountering and re-encountering a few of my food movement role-models. Let me introduce (or re-introduce) you to three people/organizations that I draw on regularly.Last Thursday evening, I joined the FAMU Environmental Sciences Student Organization for a...