Although my expenses as Volunteer of the Year are paid for by the Tallahassee Democrat as the local media sponsor of the Jefferson Awards, the expenses of my fellow delegation travelers are not covered. Travel, lodging, and Jefferson Awards registration expenses amount to just over $4500. Please consider a donation. Any and all financial assistance is appreciated. Please make checks payable and...
Last week, I was honored by Tallahassee Democrat as Volunteer of the Year and given the Jefferson Award for Public Service, an honor that highlights my work, yes, but was certainly given based on the impact that our whole Tallahassee Food Networkteam is making in our work across lines of division to grow community-based good food systems. Much thanks to Nancy Miller and her aid SarahKeith...
Hey there good folks,
I've got a quick little story for you and a couple of pointers as you begin your summer garden.1.) Story: A Hidden GardenLast week, Sundiata Ameh-El, co-coordinator of iGrowand I were installing raised beds around town together. Because we were in the area and because my father had told me about it, we swung by for a look at an unlikely farm. It's hidden behind a Tallahassee...
Check it out!I've been working with the FL Dept of Ag to create a bunch of "How To" Food Gardening Videos. For example: "How to build raised beds," "How to plant," "How to water," and all kind of other basics. Below are a few to get your started. For the rest (and for the ones still to be released), stay tuned to the Fresh for Florida Kids Youtube Channel. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and...
My largest and most exciting project this spring has been the Fresh for Florida Kids Food Garden at the Holland Building, downtown on Calhoun Street.Here are a couple pictures:The garden has received a lot of press:Florida Helps Mom with Age Old Message (Tampa Bay ch 10) Commissioner Putnam Opens Fresh for Florida Kids Food Garden (Capital Soup)Adam Putnam Plants Healthy Eating Gardens in...