I want you to grow your groceries.
Could you grow enough food to feed your family if you needed?Could we, as communities, sustain ourselves - even temporarily - if there was some major disruption like a cyber attack, supply chain failure, hyper inflation, economic fall-out, or - God forbid - war? Though I'm a fan of salads & tasty treats like sugar snaps, if you're hungry, those just won't cut it.
I just read a little book about a big deal: No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference by Greta Thunberg. It's helping me make some sense out of my entire adventure in Overalls.[For context, Gretais a 16-year-old Swede who has been on a school strike to draw attention to the climate crises because we've got until 2030 to cut our emissions by 50% or suffer a positive feedback loop where warming leads...
I often hear folks joke, "Yeah, I had a garden once. I put in all this money & effort, and I only got a handful of tomatoes. Each one of them cost $27!" And they usually end by saying something about not having a green thumb.
My first tomatoes of the season
I smile and think about a mental model I've been working on: Growing your groceries is like washing your dishes.While they're raving about how...
I grow my groceries in my front yard.I've been growing gardens in front yards since I was eight years old.It started that way simply because that's where the best sunlight was, right out front. Let me ask, if you're honest, where's your best sunlight?For, I'd say, 90% of Americans with yards, their best sunlight is in the front yard."Yeah, but..." I hear a lot of people say, "...if Iplanted it out...