Good folks,
I've got a quick bunch of stories for you, a couple food garden pointers, and a (workshop) announcement.
1.) Stories: When I've got a book to write and only got a page
The challenge every time I try to write a newsletter or blog is whittling down the list of possible stories to share. Living amidst the Tallahassee Food Network(TFN), there is so much good work going on and so many dynamic...
Hey there good folks,
I've got a quick little story for you and a couple of pointers as you begin your summer garden.1.) Story: A Hidden GardenLast week, Sundiata Ameh-El, co-coordinator of iGrowand I were installing raised beds around town together. Because we were in the area and because my father had told me about it, we swung by for a look at an unlikely farm. It's hidden behind a Tallahassee...
Sometimes I feel like a broken record. Nonetheless, I'm going to say it again: there is SO much good work being done locally as it relates to the food movement, as it relates to building a resilient community-based food system*. When I consider highlighting great work and to whom to offer thanks, I am often at a loss because I don't know where to start.Allow me to chronicle the list by memory...