Overalls Farm Fund

Overalls Farm is an "unlimited urban uPick” neighborhood farm model that started in 2018 to make healthy food more accessible and build community. Families pay a monthly fee for unlimited access to fresh, seasonal produce, fostering both healthy living and community ties.

As we launch our third farm, this new site will expand our reach, consistently provide fresh produce to 150 more families, and serve as a destination for grocery-growing education and community well-being. Newly USDA-approved, we'll serve our low-income neighbors by accepting SNAP/EBT payments. Our commitment to giving back is evident in our "Giving Gardens Program," which has provided over $18,000 in garden support to local organizations and in our ongoing efforts to donate fresh produce to partner soup kitchens and food ministries.

Though we bootstrapped our first two farms, Farm Three is six times larger and designed as a destination with more amenities, so we now ask for your support to bring it to fruition. By sponsoring, lending to, or purchasing from Overalls, you’re investing in a healthier, more connected Jacksonville. Join us in creating a community where everyone has access to good, healthy food and where our neighborhoods thrive.

(For full details, see our Overalls Farm Fund Info Packet).


In the interest of pursuing the cheapest capital first, so we can move forward with Farm Three and future farms all the quicker, we’re seeking sponsorships to accelerate our growth and minimize reliance on loans.

First up, we're raising $20,000 through donations to fund an Edible Hedge around Farm Three, featuring diverse fruiting and edible plants that will benefit both our farm members and the community passing by - like yourself if you come for a visit.

Donate to the Farm Fund

We're excited to offer the following perks for these sponsorship levels:

 Sponsorship Gift Perks
Seed $20 Guided farm tour
Farm to Table $100 Simple 'farm to table' meal & farm story ticket
Private Reservation $250 Reserve a private farm table for your own event
Veggie Bed $1500 Name on bed + reserve farm table monthly (5yrs)
Bench Swing $2500 Name on Swing + reserve 2 farm tables monthly
Community Space* $10K Name on signage + reserve space monthly
Kids Garden* $15K Name on signage + reserve space monthly
Edible Hedge $20K Name on signage + reserve space monthly
Community Kitchen* $75K Name on signage + reserve kitchen monthly
Strategic* $100K Name on Farm Sign + Farm Takeover 2x/year

*Please use this Overalls Farm Fund Pledge Form to let us know your interest in our larger sponsorship levels, so we can avoid the 3% credit card fees. We're also working with tax lawyers and a nonprofit partner to see if tax deduction could be on the table.

For additional details and back story on sponsorships, see our Overalls Farm Fund Info Packet.

 Community Loans

Just as our community has lent us their tools to build Farms One and Two, we're now asking for a different kind of support—a financial tool. While sponsorships help, not everyone can part with their money permanently. That's why we're inviting you to lend us your purchasing power, so we can build Farm Three together, with the promise to pay you back. 

One to One Loans $5,000 to $100,000

Since it’s your money, we figure you should be the one to name your loan size, preferred interest, and repayment timeline - as would any other lender. We’re requesting 5-15 year, 0-8% terms with a single, upfront “grace year” with only simple-interest payments. That way, we can get Farm Three built and cash-flowing before we have to begin repayments in earnest. We’ll agree to terms using a simple loan contract, and both parties will sign on the dotted line. Please start by completing our Overalls Farm Fund Pledge Form, which will be instrumental in helping us draw up the loan contract.

KIVA: Crowd Funded Micro Loans $1 to $4,999 

Every dollar counts; however, we’re farmers not a paperwork company, so there’s a limit to how many individual loans we can manage. That’s why we’ll leverage KIVA, a micro-finance platform that facilitates 0% small business loans up to $10,000. You can lend us $1 or $1000, and as we make repayments against the total, you’ll be repaid proportional to your contribution. For now, until we have our KIVA page built out, please let us know your intent to contribute to our micro loan by filling out our Overalls Farm Fund Pledge Form.

Earned Income

Overalls has been in business since 2009, with earned income from product and services sales sustaining our operations and supporting community initiatives. From launching a youth farm, co-founding two community food related 501(c)3s, setting aside 1% of all our revenues for our Giving Gardens Program, and launching Overalls Farms in Jacksonville, our income has funded hundreds of free workshops, free and discounted garden support, and the creation and growth of our farm model.

Food Garden Support remains our primary revenue stream, offering garden design & installation, ongoing support, and our popular Magic Mix compost. This service continues to underwrite most of our team's payroll and a healthy portion of the capital needed for our farms in development.

Overalls Farms provide unlimited access to fresh produce for our members and creates a business flywheel that helps fund future farm locations. Join the wait list to alert us you'd like us to start a farm in your neighborhood.

Overalls Community offers DIY gardener support through online and in-person memberships that provide education, resources, and peer-to-peer connections. As our community of growers expands, so does our capacity to invest in farm development. Don't grow it alone!

By engaging with Overalls through these business areas, you help us continue to grow and expand our impact, ensuring that more neighborhoods have access to fresh, healthy food.


Draft Design


In the words of Jane Jacobs, “Development doesn’t occur in isolation. Development depends on co-developments. It operates as a web of interdependent co-developments. No co-development web, no development.” Below you’ll find a list of the partners with whom we intend to co-develop as we cultivate Farm Three and future neighborhood farms.

  • Sanctuary on 8th Street
  • The Well at Springfield
  • Just Food Network (JFN)
  • COJ Office of Agriculture
  • UF Health's "Food Farmacy"
  • USDA
  • Feeding Florida & its Fresh Access Bucks program
  • Sunshine Organics and Compost
  • Paschal Brothers Hardware
  • Olde Time Hardware
  • Standard Feed and Seed
  • Cultivate Jax
  • Eat Your Yard Jax
  • Just Fruits and Exotics

For additional information,  see our Overalls Farm Fund Info Packet.