MAN IN OVERALLS — Adventures in Overalls RSS

Overalls Farm Fund

September 8th marks six years since we launched our first Overalls Farm. You may have missed it in the beginning because we didn’t post publicly about it for years. Growing up-an-alley in Jacksonville’s Springfield neighborhood- tucked in a residential backyard (mine, as it were)- it was intentionally kept on the down-low, except as far as the neighborhood was concerned.  But then, in June 2023, I shared the origin story on the stage of Florida Theater ending with the dream to replicate our neighborhood farm model.  Now, with Overalls Farms One and Two thriving, we’re growing Farm Three to fruition, and we need a little help making it happen. When we started, to ensure we were growing in service of our...

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Man in Overalls - What Can You Grow in a Square?

"So, I want a garden, but I was wondering if you could build and plant it using the principles of Square Foot Gardening?" Well, "um..." I squirmed. What was Square Foot Gardening? This was back in 2009, just as I was putting on my Overalls. Carol, a friend and the customer asking the question offered, "I've got a copy of the book. I can lend it to you to review, and then when you come tomorrow,...

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Man in Overalls - Why I Wear Overalls

“Why I Wear Overalls?”  or, more simply, “Remember” 9.My grandfather was buried in overalls.His children placed seed packets in his breast pocket before they planted him.My mother, her bowed head dropping tears on his cold face,She tells me “He never wore a suit.”“Overalls everyday of his life.  Wore ‘em to church.”“Ain’t that the truth,” chimes my aunt.  “Clean shirt. Maybe some other shoes.”And my...

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Man in Overalls - Last night, 10 years ago

10 years ago, last night - as recorded in my journal ...-"I couldn't sleep all night long because I was up thinking about this food gardening business idea. I settled on a few things: a name and a branded persona ("Man in Overalls") as well as a few ideas on how to use such a persona and business as a food movement platform and how to make food gardening demand viral."-A few months before, once I...

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Man in Overalls - Let's Grow Everywhere!

I just read a little book about a big deal: No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference by Greta Thunberg. It's helping me make some sense out of my entire adventure in Overalls.[For context, Gretais a 16-year-old Swede who has been on a school strike to draw attention to the climate crises because we've got until 2030 to cut our emissions by 50% or suffer a positive feedback loop where warming leads...

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