MAN IN OVERALLS — Square Foot Gardening RSS
Looking Towards Spring - Topdressing
Spring is around the corner. It'll be time to plant potatoes in February. Most of the charismatic vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, green beans, squash) go in, in mid March to Mid April. Come May, it'll be time for okra, sweet potatoes and the like. (Planting Guide here. Additional resources here.)If you're gardening in raised beds, whether your garden currently looks like this...this...
New Company Garden at FBMC
In late March, I reported on the Nemours Clinic Community Garden in Jacksonville. Less than a month later, I presented to Working Well, a "community-wide initiative...dedicated to creating a healthy workforce in Leon County." Though the presentation was lively, and folks were joking and laughing, the real excitement began a few days before the presentation. Glenda Atkinson with FBMC Benefits...
Springtime Is in the Air
What a gorgeous day to work on a food garden! I hear it'd gonna rain again, and some coolness will follow. But for the time being, we get to bask in the glory of early March warmth. Didn't even have to burn the woodstove tonight.A new Square Foot Gardenfor Candie and Don. Per their requests: Tomatoes (Better Boy, Early Girl, Heritage), bell peppers, banana peppers, eggplant, green (snap) beans,...
New Woodland Drives Community Garden
This past Thursday, my buddy John and I installed an extra large Square Foot Garden that will serve as a community garden amongst three families in the Woodland Drives Neighborhood.A couple weeks back, Randy and Irene, got in touch with me about helping them start a garden. Only...they wanted "their" garden to go in their neighbor'syard. Come to find out, they were actually partnering with said...