Child of a Farmworker

My mother grew up in Jackson County on a small farm. Her family grew cotton, corn, and peanuts like everyone around them. Unable to pay the mortgage, her family planted crops in the spring; laid them by; headed to Michigan for the summer to pick cheeries, strawberries, peaches and the like before returning to harvest their crops in north Florida. With the onset of winter, the family loaded up for...

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March 2012 Natural Awakenings Features Man in Overalls and iGrow Buckets

Open publication - Free publishing - More march 2012 Food SovereigntyNathan Ballentine "Though we do not talk about it much in the food movement -- even, for that matter, amidst the Tallahassee Food Network -- what we are working on is the democratization, the decentralization of our food system, soil to seed to harvest to dinner.        The big question is, "Who controls your food?"...more on

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Post Industrial Cities and Food Movement Roles Models

Amidst the growth and details of plants, gardens, recipes, farmers' markets, kids' gardens, workshops and the like, I am sustained by encountering and re-encountering a few of my food movement role-models.  Let me introduce (or re-introduce) you to three people/organizations that I draw on regularly.Last Thursday evening, I joined the FAMU Environmental Sciences Student Organization for a...

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Looking Towards Spring - Topdressing

Spring is around the corner.  It'll be time to plant potatoes in February.  Most of the charismatic vegetables (tomatoes, peppers, green beans, squash) go in, in mid March to Mid April.  Come May, it'll be time for okra, sweet potatoes and the like. (Planting Guide here.  Additional resources here.)If you're gardening in raised beds, whether your garden currently looks like this...this... Or...

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