Connecting an Emergent Movement

What follows is a paraphrase of the presentation about emergent movements and asset-based community development that I gave at the COPE (Childhood Obesity Prevention Education) Coalitionmeeting on Tuesday evening, 4/30/2013. COPE is a comprehensive coalition of public and private sector agencies, organizations, institutions, and individuals in our capital city working to address childhood obesity....

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Chinese "Secret Garden" & Spring Planting Tips

Hey there good folks, I've got a quick little story for you and a couple of pointers as you begin your summer garden.1.) Story: A Hidden GardenLast week, Sundiata Ameh-El, co-coordinator of iGrowand I were installing raised beds around town together. Because we were in the area and because my father had told me about it, we swung by for a look at an unlikely farm. It's hidden behind a Tallahassee...

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People Showed Up, Now What? -- Facilitating a Community Garden Interest Meeting

Southwood Community Garden looking great (12/2012) So lets say you're starting a community garden. You've done your homework, so you realize that when you're starting a community garden, the community aspect is just as important as the garden aspect. In that light, before breaking ground or applying for land from the City of Tallahassee or Leon County, you'll likely organize a community garden...

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iGrow Dunn St. Youth Farm

How does a team of dedicated youth and adults create a major food-producing, educational, and inviting urban agriculture demonstration project on a 1/3rd acre vacant lot? How much food can we raise? How many people -- especially young people-- can we engage in urban agriculture? Can we make money raising and selling healthy, green, fair, and affordable food?These are the questions we've been...

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"Hey y'all. I'm Nathan Ballentine the Man in Overalls. Today we're going to talk about..."

Check it out!I've been working with the FL Dept of Ag to create a bunch of "How To" Food Gardening Videos.  For example: "How to build raised beds," "How to plant," "How to water," and all kind of other basics.  Below are a few to get your started.  For the rest (and for the ones still to be released), stay tuned to the Fresh for Florida Kids Youtube Channel. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and...

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