Time to put on your overalls.If you've been waiting for a good opportunity to start growing food, now's the time. If you already know how, it's time you started extra seedsso you can get them to friends, family, neighbors, and strangers. And it's time you start posting and otherwise sharing your grocery growing hacks with anyone interested. Right now, food shortages are largely a phantom of...
Good folks,
I've got a quick bunch of stories for you, a couple food garden pointers, and a (workshop) announcement.
1.) Stories: When I've got a book to write and only got a page
The challenge every time I try to write a newsletter or blog is whittling down the list of possible stories to share. Living amidst the Tallahassee Food Network(TFN), there is so much good work going on and so many dynamic...
Southwood Community Garden looking great (12/2012)
So lets say you're starting a community garden. You've done your homework, so you realize that when you're starting a community garden, the community aspect is just as important as the garden aspect. In that light, before breaking ground or applying for land from the City of Tallahassee or Leon County, you'll likely organize a community garden...
It's that time of year: Folks ask me what I've been up to, and my consistent response is: "Gardens, gardens, gardens." Whether building and planting raised beds for folks who purchased Future Garden Coupons or top-dressing and replanting with repeat customers, it's a wonderful whirlwind of business and plant growth. Here's a couple few pictures from the past week:
Wendell, Nathan, and Bill - Piney...
Some days we get to live the life we imagined.Yesterday, I had the privilege of presenting on Community Gardening at the Second Harvest of the Big BendAnnual Agency Conference. Of the 150 or so agency partners (largely food pantry coordinators and volunteers), 35 folks attended my workshop. For starters, to demonstrate the inseparable link in my world-view between gardening and food security, I...