Springtime Is in the Air

What a gorgeous day to work on a food garden!  I hear it'd gonna rain again, and some coolness will follow.  But for the time being, we get to bask in the glory of early March warmth.  Didn't even have to burn the woodstove tonight.

A new Square Foot Garden for Candie and Don.  Per their requests: Tomatoes (Better Boy, Early Girl, Heritage), bell peppers, banana peppers, eggplant, green (snap) beans, arugula, basil, cilantro, two kinds of parsley, garlic chives, dill, romaine and butter crunch lettuces and nasturtiums.

If you look real close, you can see the micro irrigation at work.  There are three mini-sprinklers spaced down the center of the bed.  Each mini-sprinkler is individually (and easily) adjustable to water a circle sized from one to five or six feet in diameter.  The whole system is on a user-friendly timer, so no worrying about not watering seeds enough or accidentally killing your starts because you ran out of time to water before rushing to work.  Some folks scoff a bit at micro irrigation as "whistles and bells", but the truth of the matter is that micro-irrigation is extremely practical.  I can't say how many plants and seeds I've killed by forgetting to water (and this is my business!).  Micro-irrigation: affordable, convenient, helps you grow food for self and neighbor.  If you have questions about micro-irrigation for food gardens, send me an email.  Or, talk to the folks that know all the ends and outs: Just Fruits.