Before you get to build your school garden like this,
before you can help kids get their hands dirty like this,
or teach kids in your school garden like this,there are a few things you've got to take care of first.The #1 most important thing you've got to do is build your team. I say- with no exaggeration-- that human infrastructure is THEmost important aspect of developing a successful school...
You want to teach kids where their food comes from because if kids grow it, they'll be more likely to eat it, and since you hope to improve kids diets, offer a little exposure to the natural world and provide outdoor, hands-on, STEM learning experiences, or simply, you want child to have an opportunity to care for something and learn responsibility.
So you want to start a school garden.I...
Pushing three years ago, I clambered into overalls to earn my living encouraging and assisting folks to grow food for self and neighbor. I got my start standing beside the road with a pitchfork and sign that read, "Will Garden for Food."On one level, I launched my business to earn an income*. On a deeper level, however, I got into food gardening, I reclaimed the overall-style of my grandfather...
Front yard gardens, school gardens, community gardens, church gardens, workshops and iGrow Buckets... it all happens at once in the spring time. Below is a sampling of what's been keeping Wendell and I busy the past several weeks.Fresh for Florida Kids Dept of Ag and Consumer Services (Holland Building) Garden(which is going to serve as the set for You Tube Food Garden Education clips to be...
Had to get a kitchen scale at Panhandlers Kitchen Supply today because my lettuce is ready for the eating and I want to document my harvest.
Bought a kitchen scale today. For the past two+ years I've been in business, folks have asked me, "But how much can I expect to grow in such-and-such a garden?" I've answered with my own experiences, with rough estimates of numbers of heads of lettuce,...