Words of Praise from Turkey Hill Farm (Louise Divine)

Hey Everybody!Really busy this week, getting beds ready and planting for the fall. Lots to do in the greenhouse as well. We sent some plants into town with Kelly Des Maris, to the new garden at Kate Sullivan Elementary School.  They are off to a rousing start, even have a website. If you want to get a garden going at your child's school I am sure they will be happy to hook you up with the resource...

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The Life!

Some days we get to live the life we imagined.Yesterday, I had the privilege of presenting on Community Gardening at the Second Harvest of the Big BendAnnual Agency Conference. Of the 150 or so agency partners (largely food pantry coordinators and volunteers), 35 folks attended my workshop. For starters, to demonstrate the inseparable link in my world-view between gardening and food security, I...

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Staying Busy Amidst the Heat

In spite of the heat, folks are eager to get planting.  Below are a couple raised beds we built for folks aiming to plant their own gardens. (2) 4x4 raised beds installed in pre-existing mulched bed. FYI: It's not too late to throw in some last minute summer veggies like green beans, basil, okra, peppers, maybe some cucumbers, (if you've got lots of sun) sweet potatoes, and you just might be able to...

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Southwood Grows in the Grass

Saturday morning, the Southwood Community Garden Leadership Team joined hands for its first mini-workday of the installation.  In addition to measuring and marking the perimeter with stakes & strings, the team spray painted the future outline of the first 20 (of approx. 50) 4x8 raised bed plots.Amidst the other work, I conducted a mini lady's workshop on power tools and raised bed construction in...

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Church Garden in the Shadows of the Golden Arches

Over the July 4th holiday, I made it to Asheville to visit a friend from college.  While in town, I snuck by Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church where I used to serve as a youth adviser.  Rumor had it, they'd started an amazing garden smack-dab in the middle of their front lawn.  Rumor was true. They have ten 5ft beds that reach 60 to 100ft. In other words, they've got a 4000sq.ft. food garden in...

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