MAN IN OVERALLS — School Gardens RSS

"Kate Sullivan Garden Moves to Phase Two" - Tallahassee Democrat Chronicle, 9/1/2011

"Kate Sullivan Garden Moves to Phase Two"Kelley Des Marais (special to the Chronicle)After months of planning by teachers, parents, school board members, Kate Sullivan Elementary School Garden Committee proudly announces the completion of phase one of the Community School Garden, completed on Aug. 19th.The finished garden is approximately 150 square feet including a spigot and three raised garden...

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Words of Praise from Turkey Hill Farm (Louise Divine)

Hey Everybody!Really busy this week, getting beds ready and planting for the fall. Lots to do in the greenhouse as well. We sent some plants into town with Kelly Des Maris, to the new garden at Kate Sullivan Elementary School.  They are off to a rousing start, even have a website. If you want to get a garden going at your child's school I am sure they will be happy to hook you up with the resource...

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A Shout Out for Good Work

Sometimes I feel like a broken record.  Nonetheless, I'm going to say it again: there is SO much good work being done locally as it relates to the food movement, as it relates to building a resilient community-based food system*.  When I consider highlighting great work and to whom to offer thanks, I am often at a loss because I don't know where to start.Allow me to chronicle the list by memory...

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Whew, hot!

It's been an exciting week.Last Friday morning, I visited Astoria Park. Guided by the leadership of Merlin John Baptiste, new director of Astoria's afterschool program, they're organizing a school garden. My role was to present-- along with Ms Miaisha Mitchell, who's done extensive childhood obesity and diabetes work-- on the values (health, academic, behaviorial, etc) of gardens. By the end of...

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