Kids Food Garden Workshops

3-4pm, Sat., February 13th, March 13th, April 10th, and May 22nd (Mostly) in the Garden at the Pink House, 1920 Chowkeebin Nenewith Nathan Ballentine, aka the Man in Overalls ( your kids full of questions? Why this and why that? Do your kids like playing in the dirt? Do they like playing with worms and bugs? Do you wish they'd eat more vegetables? Do you wish...

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Introducing Man in Overalls

Aka Nathan BallentinePart Food Gardener, Part Educator, Part Community Food Organizer, I'm available for hire and service. From creating raised vegetable gardens, planting fruit trees and herb gardens; to supporting community gardens, hosting gardening workshops, and volunteering and fundraising for local non-profits, I am engaged in food gardening social entrepreneurship. Please let me know if I...

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Atlanta Community Garden and Urban Ag Visit

Whew, what a couple days in Atlanta!  And, who knew such incredible Community Gardening and Urban Agriculture work was going on here in Metro Atlanta?!  I remain impressed.Here are the gardens, farms, folks, and programs that I visited in the past 48 hours (in chronological order).  Links route to the garden/farm website, listing on the American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) website, or...

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The Chamber...

When you stop by the Chamber of Commerce to brainstorm about "How to take your business to the next level" and the Senior Vice President remembers seeing you beside Thomasville Rd with a sign that says, "Grow Your Own Food and Share It," you can't help but smile.

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Wintertime and the Living is... Freezing

Wind, ice, chance of snow, and I'm headed north.  Brrr.This coming week, I'll be making a run to Atlanta in my little-truck-that-could for a community garden educational trip.*  While in Atlanta, I plant to a) visit metro-area community gardens, b) attend a "Train the Trainer" workshop co-hosted by the American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) and the Atlanta Community Food Bank(ACFB), and,...

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