Introducing Man in Overalls

Aka Nathan Ballentine

Part Food Gardener, Part Educator, Part Community Food Organizer, I'm available for hire and service.  From creating raised vegetable gardens, planting fruit trees and herb gardens; to supporting community gardens, hosting gardening workshops, and volunteering and fundraising for local non-profits, I am engaged in food gardening social entrepreneurship. Please let me know if I can be of help.

ManInOveralls at gmail dot com

I've been food gardening since eight when my mother set me on a vegetable garden as a homeschooling project.  Years later, just before leaving town after graduating from high school to attend college out of state, I began experimenting with fruit trees.  Then, throughout my studies in community organizing and social movements at Warren Wilson college, I managed an edible landscape complete with vegetables, fruit trees, herbs and medicinals as part of my alma mater's student work requirement.  Additionally during my time at Warren Wilson, I began to read widely on different methods of small scale agriculture suitable for home food production including organic, biointensive, permaculture, and SPIN Farming.  In the years since graduation, my food gardening education continues via workshops, trainings, visits to farms and community gardens, and via research about and conversation with other urban agricultural innovators.