MAN IN OVERALLS — food movement RSS

Table-Top Herb Garden + links & links

This is a quick post to share a picture  of my most recent project in addition to some links to stories, a conference, programs, organizations, resources, a magazine, etc that all relate to the urban ag/food security/community garden food movement.First, a picture of one (of two) table-top herb garden's I completed on Friday for Mary Louise:Next, a series of links:From NYT Magazine: "Field Report:...

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A Growing Movement

Back home from the American Community Gardening Association annual conference in Atlanta, GA.Below you can see our Tallahassee Delegation (left to right): Qasima P. Boston, Robbie Estevez, Nathan Ballentine, Joyce Brown (to see Joyce's reflections on the trip, here's her blog), Thomas Lynch (below), Mark Tancig (above), and Merlin John Baptiste. After a day and a half of the conference-- where we...

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School Garden here, School Gardens there

There is more food movement work going on here in Tallahassee than anyone-- including myself-- knows.  Take for instance the number and quality of school gardens here in the Tallahassee area.Here is a list of the schools at which I know there are school gardens: Hartsfield Elementary, Astoria Park Pre-K, Cornerstone Learning Community, Richards High, Fairview Middle, Nims Middle, Ghazvini Learning...

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Crop Mob

Who's up for organizing a Tallahassee Crop Mob? USA Today, by Judy KeenThe mob descended on Chris Wimmer's farm on a rainy Saturday bearing pitchforks and shovels. They went to work quickly, relocating a compost pile, digging weeds and hauling fencing.The Jefferson County Crop Mob, a group of mostly urban volunteers, spends one Saturday a month sweating for small-scale farmers such as Wimmer. In...

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Food Movement! Food Movement! Read all about it!

Every time I turn around, I learn about some new piece of the food movement.  It's abuzz like nothing I've ever been apart of before.A few weeks ago, my mother brought home and showed me a box of triscuit crackers.  On the back, there were three pictures.One picture showed a few people in a vegetable garden, and the other two depicted a single person tending container herb gardens in their window...

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