Rashid Nuri with Truly Living Well Farms in Atlanta

Farmer D in Atlanta
I heard a lot about this guy and his business while at the American Community Gardening Association "Train the Trainer" workshop in Atlanta. From his website: "Forget any stereotype of the farmer you may hold. Let go of any notion of the humble rustic in overalls of yesteryear and even the jacketed corporate farmer of today. Farmer D is an entirely new brand of farmer. With a thumb more “green” than any of his predecessors. Daron ‘Farmer D’ Joffe, is the future’s farmer. He lives to make a difference in the world. He farms because of a passion for the earth and the biodynamic methodologies that can save it." His services include food gardening consultations, school garden installations, organic lawn and garden care, as well as on-going individualized food gardening maintenance. Farmer D also has several garden stores in the Atlanta area.
Lindsay Mann with Sustenance Design in Atlanta

Bountiful Backyards in Durham, NC

City Farm Boy in Vancouver, British Columbia

Rox Sen let me know about this "Meet SPIN Farmers" website (i.e.,SPIN, Small Plot INtensive). This list has an additional 20+ farmers, some of whom are doing food gardening and urban agriculture. Others are implementing micro-farming in rural landscapes.
Let me know if you know of others doing this work, I'll include them.
Vickie Spray, a local is also doing food gardening in the area. It's great having a local peer in the business. If I'm too busy or you're interested in hiring a cool lady instead of myself, take a peak at her website: http://yourowngardenexpressions.vpweb.com/
A few more food gardeners I found referenced on a blog about resilient communities:
http://www.mybackyardfarmer.com/ in San Francisco, CA
http://www.farmscapegardens.com/#home in LA
http://www.yourbackyardfarmer.com/ in Portland, OR
http://www.freelancefarmers.com/ in New Haven, CT
http://www.theurbanfarmer.ca in Edmonton, Alberta
The thing I find interesting about all these food gardeners is that they offer regular maintenance schedules: weekly, monthly, and seasonally.
http://www.theurbanfarmers.org/ in San Francisco
http://www.radurbanfarmers.com in Lexington, MA
and http://www.cityslickerfarms.org/ in Oakland, CA
http://austinurbanfarming.com/ in Austin, TX