Happy March (Pinch and a punch for the first of the month:)
Three things:
1)Want to be on my email update list? Please send me an email with subject line: "Count me in." At most, I'll "update" once a month. As I dislike excess emails myself, I'm making my list an opt-in affair.
2)Will Allen, Founder of Milwaukee's Growing Power, Pre-eminent Urban Ag Leader, MacArthur Genius, who was amongst Time's 100 Most Influential People of 2010 will be in town on Sun., Mar. 6th at the FAMU Viticulture Center to present on his 3-acre urban farm in Milwaukee that raises sufficient food for 10,000 people and conduct a workshop on soil building via composting and vermi(worm)composting. Will Allen is one of my heroes. Here's the MacArthur Genius video:
Click here for more info on Will and his visit. Email Jennifer Taylor with FAMU's Small Farms Program to register (pay at the door). If you're willing to sponsor a student or low-income individual, please email me.
3)Starting March 7th, I'm offering a trial run of 20 4x4 Raised Bed Economy Gardens. For $105, you get a 4x4 raised bed, installed, filled with nutrient-rich compost mix (Ready to plant); additionally, you'll receive a packet of Tallahassee-specific info-sheets to demystify food gardening for beginners including "What Can You Grow in a Square," (which provides a garden planning map, covers seasonality and plant spacing) and "Food Gardening 101" (which covers subjects like selecting your site, how to plant, watering, growing vertically, etc). To learn more, click here.
The air is warming. The days are lengthening. The cabbages are swelling. Tomatoes are just around the corner.
Grow your own food and share it--
Remember: Send me an email with subject line: "Count me in" to be included in future updates.
Nathan Ballentine (aka The Man in Overalls)
maninoveralls at gmail dot com
Man in Overalls on Facebook
Man in Overalls Quick Update: Launching $105 Economy Gardens