Overalls Magic Mix

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What is Overalls Magic Mix?
Overalls Magic Mix is our proprietary compost-based soil mix, perfect for raised bed food gardens. The magic recipe currently includes: local, biologically active composts, organic fertilizer, crushed granite, Azomite (volcanic rock), worm castings, and kelp meal to fill out its micro-nutrient profile - all finely mixed together with compost tea. We have been growing in and improving Overalls Magic Mix for the 10+ years we've been in the food gardening business. We use it to fill all of our raised bed food gardens around town and generously at our Overalls Farm locations. After the first season, you simply top-dress before planting with another few inches of Magic Mix - enough to refill your beds, and this handles the bulk of your gardens nutritional needs. This is how we manage our own food garden & farm fertility and how we help our customers grow productive gardens year after year.

- Bulk self-pickup. Checkout here. Pickup at Sunshine Organics & Compost.
- Bags at Cultivate Jax, Eat Your Yard Jax, Standard Feed, as well our Overalls Farm.
- Bulk & Bags delivered: order Magic Mix & other Garden Supplies here.
- Retail: $12/bag
- Bulk: $145/cubic yard (which fills a 4x8x10" bed) + $65* flat rate delivery within 10 miles -- Note: we don't just dump your delivery on your driveway. Our price includes adding Magic Mix to your bed(s) and spreading it out smooth, so it will be "ready to plant." To pre-empt the question, yes, this is true even if doing so requires wheelbarrowing to your backyard. (*$95 if delivery 11-30 miles). Click here to purchase Magic Mix delivery.
- *We offer discounts for schools, nonprofits, and orders over 15 cubic yards.
- Compare to a DIY soil mix: It costs ~$8/cu-ft bags of mushroom compost at hardware store. 1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet, so 1 yard = $216 + 3 organic sources of micro nutrients at ~$5/lb x 4 = $20. Plus 2lbs of worm castings at $3/lb. So now you're at $242 -- Not to mention you'll have to spend your Saturday to find, load, unload, mix & add 1000lbs of soil to your beds. Or, just buy it now, and save yourself the headache.

What People Say about Magic Mix
- A Riverside Avondale Community Gardener here in Jacksonville said, "I don’t think we understood what good soil meant…..until now. The rate of growth and the health of the plants has been noticed- I think every visitor asks where we got the soil! The tomatoes are 6+ feet tall and the cucumbers are so prolific we are giving them away!"
- Another customer, Suzanne struggled to grow "normal-sized vegetables" for years until we filled her beds with Magic Mix. She said, "Your soil makes me feel like a master gardener."
- Sylvia, an expert gardener herself asked for help expanding her garden space and insisted we fill her beds with "that magic soil!" of ours.
- Valerie, a farmer & permaculturalist calls Magic Mix "the best compost in town."