Overalls - Arctic Blasts & What to Do


With this Arctic blast headed our way, I wanted to share a quick note with a couple resources.

​The main takeaways are:

  • Most cool season crops should be fine; they'll freeze, thaw, and keep growing. It's the warm season crops growing out of season you have to worry about like... tomatoes, peppers...
  • Make sure your soil is good and moist before the freeze; this prevents dehydration burn
  • turn off your irrigation Friday evening so it doesn't run early morning Sat/Sunday when your plants are still frozen because "flash thawing" will hurt even the freeze-tolerant crops

​In parting, here are a few cool season crops that are more tender than the rest and may benefit from extra care (see What To Do When It Freezes) beyond watering the soil

  • cilantro, parsley, celery, dill, fennel, nasturtium.

​Stay warm out there!

As needed & helpful, our team looks forward to future opportunities to support you as a food gardener.


Nathan, & the rest of team

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